#WWF_RAW, #DIWF & #Games&Anime - Quotes Back to Main Page

* CKC is now known as Dave_Cool
Cool_Dave: lol
Dave_Cool: Hey guys, watch any clown porno lately?
Cool_Dave: haha
Cool_Dave: dude, I wish!
Cool_Dave: that shit is hot
Dave_Cool: I get off when they squeeze that big red nose!
Cool_Dave: hahahahaha
Dave_Cool: Honk honk!
* Dave_Cool is now known as CKC
Cool_Dave: LOL
Cool_Dave: nice
CKC: I got sick to my stomach doing that
Cool_Dave: thats going on the quote page

MISmooth: i think i messed my gf's phone call.... i got one missed call on my phone
Cool_Dave: call her
MISmooth: already on it

IAMNOTSMOOTH: I called you but no one was home
IAMNOTSMOOTH: where you at?!

Heather: are you japanese?

Hades-the-Pornstar: go back to porno!
Hades-the-Pornstar: wait... you weren't whacking off when you were watching we you?
Malaki: no i dont feel like doing the five knuckle shuffle right now
Hades-the-Pornstar: cause it's kinda creepy if you were in here at the same time
Cool_Dave: haha
Cool_Dave: why, I do that all the time
Cool_Dave: type with one hand...you know
Malaki: i been sick all day and yesterday
Malaki: my stomach is still woozy, if i start jerkin, i might have to take a vomit break, and that might fuck with my libido
Cool_Dave: just like you taught me Hades
Cool_Dave: :P
Hades-the-Pornstar: lol
Cool_Dave: hahaha
Hades-the-Pornstar: dude malaki just puke on yourself
Hades-the-Pornstar: while you jack off
Hades-the-Pornstar: scat is hott
Cool_Dave: ewwwww
Malaki: if you ever say that to me again, i will kill you
Cool_Dave: hahahaha
Hades-the-Pornstar: lol
Hades-the-Pornstar: consumptionjunction.com
Hades-the-Pornstar: best site ever

* Joins: Robocock (wbhulcsl@0-2pool130-117.nas8.tukwila2.wa.us.da.qwest.net)
* Snake_Plissken was kicked by Robocock (I HATE YOU!!!! (but love you secretly))
* Joins: Snake_Plissken (badguy@h24-71-50-143.ok.shawcable.net)

Heather: my dvd player quit having sound
Cool_Dave: check your wires, maybe the sound ones are out
Heather: theres sound wires??
Cool_Dave: uh yes, that go to your tv
Cool_Dave: dumbass
Cool_Dave: the red, yellow & white ones
Cool_Dave: one of those is video, the other 2 are sound
Heather: haha guess what
Cool_Dave: they were out
Heather: yup
Cool_Dave: hahaha, you moron
Cool_Dave: thats going on the quote page :P
Heather: ive been mad for like three days about that too lol
Cool_Dave: dumbass
Heather: that better not show up on the quotes page
Heather: i dont want to look dumb lol
Heather: dave take that down now!
Cool_Dave: lol

Heather: i gotta download something hehe
Cool_Dave: heh
Cool_Dave: I recommend porn
Heather: eh, im just not in the mood hehe
Cool_Dave: you never know what your going to get :P
Heather: yeah but its too much work to find anything good
Cool_Dave: so true
Cool_Dave: lol
Heather: bah I am so not talking about porn with you, shut up lol
Cool_Dave: lol

Attic_Avenger: jug says hi
DIWF\Genesis: who's that? Volk?
Attic_Avenger: yeah, he is on the phone with me
DIWF\Genesis: say i said hi
Attic_Avenger: yeah
DIWF\Genesis: and that his brother dresses up as girls
Attic_Avenger: screw u man
Cool_Dave: LOL
Attic_Avenger: always gotta start dony ya

Heather: dave is trying to find my porn collection RI
Random_Hero: heather has a porn collection?
Random_Hero: SWEET
Heather: well i did, but i deleted them before i let dave look at my files
Random_Hero: dammit
Cool_Dave: I know
Cool_Dave: I found where it was
Cool_Dave: there was a thumb nails file
Random_Hero: lol
Cool_Dave: from where there was videos or pics listed
Cool_Dave: its a hidden file
Cool_Dave: so did couldn't delete it
Random_Hero: did she download them or something?
Cool_Dave: heh
Cool_Dave: err
Cool_Dave: so she couldn't delete it
Cool_Dave: yea
Cool_Dave: it was in her kazaa folderd
Cool_Dave: the shared one
Random_Hero: lol
Cool_Dave: so I have proof!
Cool_Dave: heh
Random_Hero: FINALLY
Heather: maybe i was downloading scenic pictures
Cool_Dave: hahaha
Cool_Dave: likely story
Heather: theres no thumbnail, you liar
Heather: :P
Cool_Dave: there isl Cool_Dave: its a hidden file
Cool_Dave: 58kb
Cool_Dave: :P
Cool_Dave: in your shared folder
Random_Hero: lol
Cool_Dave: you can't see it normally
Cool_Dave: so you don't know its there
Cool_Dave: but its there
Heather: oh, well that pretty good porn so i had to keep that one
Cool_Dave: trust me
Cool_Dave: :P
Cool_Dave: proof!
Cool_Dave: she said it!
Cool_Dave: hahaha
Cool_Dave: you heard it here first!
Random_Hero: that better go on the quotes page
Cool_Dave: damn right
Random_Hero: lol
Heather: it takes alot of searching to find just the right porn
Cool_Dave: damn right!

ExIsT_2_InSpIrE: PllzZ Op me!!!
Big_Poppa_Pump: suck us all off first
Cool_Dave: dude, she's 14
ExIsT_2_InSpIrE: Dave plzzz:(
Big_Poppa_Pump: I thought she was 12 and I was joking
Cool_Dave: you thought she was 12? & still said that?
Cool_Dave: man
ExIsT_2_InSpIrE: u sicko!

Cool_Dave: Look in G&A, Smooth :P
Anti-Social: wtf is g&a
Anti-Social: gays and ass?
Cool_Dave: anal
Anti-Social: ooo, booty must be in there
Cool_Dave: haha

Random_Hero: I think Train's partner is going to be Storm
Hades-the-Phantom: i think trains partner is gonna be Marky Mark
Random_Hero: shut up woman
Hades-the-Phantom: you better be careful or the funky bunch will show up
Random_Hero: lol

PaulieWalnuts: Yeah DA and Glitch fit well together....
D_Advocates: lol
Glitch_X: we're not legos guerlot
* Glitch_X goes and cries in the corner
Hades-the-Phantom: that would be cool if legos could talk
Glitch_X: lol
PaulieWalnuts: ...
Native_Funk: they can't?
PaulieWalnuts: Of course they can
Hades-the-Phantom: i wonder what they would say...probably something along the lines of "Stop sticking me up your ass Dave!"

* Joins: HHH_4_life (~i@adsl2-148.qualitynet.net)
HHH_4_life: hello guys :)
HHH_4_life: where is Brunk ?
HHH_4_life: do you remember him ?
Anti-Social: he died
HHH_4_life: lol come on i have been Asking since one year and no one tell me the Truth is ?
HHH_4_life: where is he ?
Anti-Social: hes dead
HHH_4_life: lol how do you know that :
Anti-Social: If I told you, I'd have to kill you
HHH_4_life: lol dont lie to me i know that he didt Die ( prove me Wrong )
Anti-Social: Ok how do you know he didnt?
HHH_4_life: because i know that you lying to me ;)
HHH_4_life: tell the Truth man
HHH_4_life: why you lying ?
Anti-Social: I'm not
Anti-Social: Brunk died
HHH_4_life: wait do you know which Brunk ?
HHH_4_life: i mean the one that comes to this room
HHH_4_life: and he was OP in #wwf
Anti-Social: The australian loser right?
Anti-Social: yeah he died
HHH_4_life: lol ok how ?
Anti-Social: fell off a building
HHH_4_life: lol
HHH_4_life: when ?
Anti-Social: actually
Anti-Social: I pushed him
Anti-Social: now you must die
Anti-Social: cause now you know
HHH_4_life: why man ?
HHH_4_life: lol
Anti-Social: Liability
HHH_4_life: ok enough of this shit where is Bruck ( do you hate him ? )
Anti-Social: No I dont know bruck
Anti-Social: Brunk or Bruck
Anti-Social: which is it
HHH_4_life: Brunk :)
HHH_4_life: sorry
HHH_4_life: spelling mistake
HHH_4_life: ok enough of this shit where is Brunk ( do you hate him ? )
Anti-Social: Oh really? or is it just your guilt of killing brunk thats getting to you
HHH_4_life: ! i didnt kill anyone
HHH_4_life: and where is he ( Stop lying )
HHH_4_life: tell me where is he
Anti-Social: You didnt kill him? Thats exactly what someone who killed him would say
Anti-Social: Why are you lying guy?
HHH_4_life: lol ! im not you said that you Pushed him
HHH_4_life: so how did i kill him !!?
HHH_4_life: LMAO
Anti-Social: you said he wasn't dead...now you're agreeing that he is
Anti-Social: You cant fool me
Anti-Social: I'm onto you
HHH_4_life: im not agreeing that he is dead
HHH_4_life: but you said it
HHH_4_life: i didnt say anything
Anti-Social: Yeah you did.....You're goin down mister
HHH_4_life: lol ok how ? i killed him What you gonna do ( Act a Fool )
HHH_4_life: lol
Anti-Social: Nope, I'll report you
Anti-Social: abuse@qualitynet.net HE KILLED BRUNK
Anti-Social: They'll get you
Anti-Social: men in white vans will be parked outside your house
Anti-Social: you'll see
HHH_4_life: lol okay now tell me where the Fuck is Brunk
Anti-Social: I ate him
Anti-Social: after you killed him
HHH_4_life: come on ( why are you doing that ) where is he ??
HHH_4_life: enough of that Shit
HHH_4_life: and tell me where is he
Anti-Social: uh
HHH_4_life: im not His friend
Anti-Social: not much of a friend....you haven't talked to him in a year
HHH_4_life: yeah because when i come to this Room no one Answer where is he
HHH_4_life: thats why
Anti-Social: Because I am brunk
HHH_4_life: but i wanna see if he remembers me or not
Anti-Social: I dont remember you
HHH_4_life: ok let may change my nick :P
HHH_4_life: me
Anti-Social: No
* HHH_4_life is now known as Y_TWO_J
Anti-Social: I wont let you
Anti-Social: Still dont remember
Y_TWO_J: do you now :P
Y_TWO_J: dont you remember me !
Anti-Social: I remember a beard
Y_TWO_J: come on You forgot me
Anti-Social: Are you bearded?
Anti-Social: Like a woodsman?
Y_TWO_J: no
Anti-Social: beard
Anti-Social: Bearded beard
Y_TWO_J: i Was in Australia ( Canberra ) im from kuwait
Y_TWO_J: now do you remember ?
Anti-Social: Will you steal me some oil?
Y_TWO_J: lol okay ( but do you remember me ) you always banned me :P
Anti-Social: I dont believe you're from kuwait
Anti-Social: everyone knows they dont have computers there
Y_TWO_J: i'm Dude ( lol what the Fuck ) we got Computers of course
Y_TWO_J: whwhat makes you think that we dont
Y_TWO_J: ?
Y_TWO_J: what *
Anti-Social: You dont even have running water there
Anti-Social: and you're harboring Saddam
Anti-Social: That's not cool man
Anti-Social: Why are you doing it?
Y_TWO_J: because we hate Saddam
Y_TWO_J: and he is a bastard
Anti-Social: Do you know what Harboring means?
Y_TWO_J: lol
Y_TWO_J: Brunk
Y_TWO_J: now do you
Y_TWO_J: Remember
Y_TWO_J: me
Y_TWO_J: im From kuwait ( iwas in Canberra )
Y_TWO_J: in 2001
Y_TWO_J: i was *
Anti-Social: I think you're lying
Y_TWO_J: hell No i remember yoy Dude ( why you dont )
Y_TWO_J: you*
Anti-Social: Who is yoy?
Y_TWO_J: im telling you ( im From kuwait and i was in Canberra ) i chatted with you and you banned alot LOL ;) you said that University sucks and you are going to Collage
Y_TWO_J: dont you Remeber that Stuff ?
Anti-Social: If I did all that to you what makes you think I like you and I'd wnat to talk to you?
Y_TWO_J: who said that you like me !
Y_TWO_J: lol
Anti-Social: you must think I do
Anti-Social: if you kept tryin to talk to me
Anti-Social: for a year
Anti-Social: you said I was your friend
Y_TWO_J: damn ( because when come to this room no one tells me where are you ) Cool_dave ignores me
Y_TWO_J: and i would be like a crazy
Y_TWO_J: everyone ignores me and left the channel
Y_TWO_J: now thank God
Y_TWO_J: but Still why didnt you Remember me
Y_TWO_J: lol
Y_TWO_J: you Rigisterd my nick
Anti-Social: I probably dont like you
Anti-Social: thats why
Y_TWO_J: you Rigisterd my nick
Anti-Social: Beard?
Y_TWO_J: 5519551 ( that was the password
Y_TWO_J: what Beard !!!
Y_TWO_J: who is Beard
Anti-Social: The beard has us
Y_TWO_J: ok im gonna give you a Big reason that i know you
Anti-Social: You have a beard? Y_TWO_J: no
Anti-Social: A thick nessle of chin hairs?
Y_TWO_J: back 2001 when you know me
Y_TWO_J: lol
Y_TWO_J: no
Anti-Social: A yid?
Y_TWO_J: no
Y_TWO_J: no
Y_TWO_J: no
Y_TWO_J: ok let me tell you
Y_TWO_J: back in 2001
Y_TWO_J: i come to this room and Spoiled ( angle DEF booker T for the WCW title
Y_TWO_J: and you Said no Spoliers
Anti-Social: Beards allowed
Y_TWO_J: all that Stuff and you dont Remember me ?
Y_TWO_J: an you Always Disconnected me
Y_TWO_J: lol
Y_TWO_J: Connection reset by peer
Anti-Social: I did no such thing
Anti-Social: see
Anti-Social: you're lying again
Y_TWO_J: no you always doing that
Y_TWO_J: lol im Afraid that you Arent Brunk
Y_TWO_J: man if you Dont remember me ( we can be Friends again )
Y_TWO_J: ok ?
* Y_TWO_J is now known as Arsenal_4_life
Arsenal_4_life: hello
Arsenal_4_life: ?
Arsenal_4_life: where are u you Dude ?
Arsenal_4_life: man if you Dont remember me ( we can be Friends again )
Arsenal_4_life: ok ? ?
Arsenal_4_life: hello ?
Anti-Social: I dont
Anti-Social: I think you should leave now
Arsenal_4_life: why ?
Anti-Social: I dont like you
Arsenal_4_life: why ?
Arsenal_4_life: i didnt do anything
Anti-Social: You dont have a beard
Arsenal_4_life: lol what Beard means ?
Arsenal_4_life: i dont know whats that ?:
Anti-Social: facial hair
Anti-Social: is a beard
Arsenal_4_life: so what now?
Anti-Social: grow some
Arsenal_4_life: still dont get it
Arsenal_4_life: why ?
Arsenal_4_life: ok im gonna call you
Arsenal_4_life: whats your Number ?
Anti-Social: 911
Arsenal_4_life: 62900944 lol that was my Number in Australia
Arsenal_4_life: Fuck you Brunk if you dont remember me ( because i was your Friend and now you have been Forgotten me
Arsenal_4_life: :(
Arsenal_4_life: :( :( :( :( :( :(
Arsenal_4_life: ok Brunk i g2g now
Arsenal_4_life: cya later paul :)
Arsenal_4_life: bye :)
* Parts: Arsenal_4_life (~i@adsl2-148.qualitynet.net)
Cool_Dave: what a moron
Cool_Dave: beards lol, woodsman lol

Evelyn17: hello Cool_dave
Cool_Dave: hi
Evelyn17: i'm a girl. are you a boy?
Cool_Dave: no
Evelyn17: i see. i would like to know more about you :-)
Cool_Dave: lol, whys that
Evelyn17: come and meet me in this chatroom: http://erotic.4u.hu
Evelyn17: see ya later
Cool_Dave: or not

Big_Poppa_Pump: get us some pics of your sexy neighbour.
Cool_Dave: She's 16.
Big_Poppa_Pump: so? Some 16 year olds are stacked.
Glitch_X: Booty would take her to his basement oasis
Cool_Dave: LOL

JustinBird: * Now talking in #gay
JustinBird: * Topic is '® Welcome To #Gay - DALnet's Premier Gay Chat Channel -=- Do Not Message the ops & please chat respectfully -=-'
JustinBird: * Set by illiterate on Thu May 29 12:28:14
JustinBird: * GAY_GAY has joined #gay
JustinBird: * nyerks has left #gay
JustinBird: * valent has joined #gay
JustinBird: lahorehotlove: lahore any body
JustinBird: JustinBird: so...you guys fuck each other in the butt, yes?

Heather: lol not nice

JustinBird: s10lie: yeahhh
JustinBird: * LatinSuRc has joined #gay
JustinBird: * h0t^gurlie17 has quit IRC (Quit: )
JustinBird: * gio21 has quit IRC (Quit: )
JustinBird: jyap: anyone looking goodlooking man?
JustinBird: Guest41843: bangalore
JustinBird: * alan_iskandar1 has joined #gay
JustinBird: jyap: jakrta?
JustinBird: JustinBird: so let me get this straight (no pun intended)...you put your penises, in eachothers asses...the same place you poop out of?
JustinBird: s10lie: u really make me feel horny!!
JustinBird: s10lie: any gay pic?
JustinBird: jyap: any muscul guy here lol
JustinBird: Memnock: I do believe that is the description of the sexual act known as "anal sex".
JustinBird: Guest41843: bangalore
JustinBird: Memnock: In terms of two males
JustinBird: hi14: anyone chat
JustinBird: Memnock: If it were a male and female, only the male would perform the action unless the female had a dildo.
JustinBird: JustinBird: well what the hell
JustinBird: * Nasreen has left #gay
JustinBird: JustinBird: thats insane
JustinBird: Memnock: Well, I suggest you don't perform anal sex with your partner then JustinBird.
JustinBird: JustinBird: are there like, other holes i can put it?
JustinBird: Guest14628: i want too
JustinBird: * humbugg has left #gay
JustinBird: * humbugg has joined #gay
JustinBird: lukesmith09: looking for malaysian
JustinBird: * Nasreen has joined #gay
JustinBird: Guest87543: any bottom from dammam
JustinBird: Memnock: I am sure you can find one
JustinBird: lukesmith09: 18-25
JustinBird: * bijkt27 has joined #gay
JustinBird: * Btm29Asn has joined #gay

Heather are you that bored?
JustinBird: yes
JustinBird: this is great
JustinBird: ha "let me get this straight (no pun intended).."

JustinBird: JustinBird: does it hurt?
JustinBird: * Co-Cilegon has joined #gay
JustinBird: Btm29Asn: cowok
JustinBird: Guest41843: bangalore
JustinBird: Btm29Asn: hair
JustinBird: Btm29Asn: cakep? ganteng?
JustinBird: Btm29Asn: pm me
JustinBird: Memnock: Like any "first time" sexual activity, it does.
JustinBird: Memnock: After a while the pleasure takes affect.
JustinBird: * pasif has joined #gay
JustinBird: Memnock: With males our G-Spot is our prostate in our ass...
JustinBird: JustinBird: what if it bleeds
JustinBird: Memnock: If it bleeds, then you are being raped.
JustinBird: bleu21: i am looking you
JustinBird: `su|cide: i bled the first few times
JustinBird: Memnock: after a while you will get used to his penis
JustinBird: JustinBird: do the asshole hairs ever get pulled then?
JustinBird: Memnock: Hopefully are bright enuogh to use lube
JustinBird: * ray- has joined #gay
JustinBird: Memnock: you
JustinBird: * lost21 has joined #gay
JustinBird: JustinBird: oh...so going in all raw is bad, gotcha
JustinBird: Memnock: Do you have anymore questions on the subject of analsex?
JustinBird: * hardian1_yk has joined #gay
JustinBird: s10lie: any one to trade pic?
JustinBird: * faridh has joined #gay
JustinBird: JustinBird: no i got a hole lot of info im good

Heather :P

JustinBird: Guest14628: hi justin please tell me
JustinBird: Guest14628: because iam a new boy on gay world

* Joins: Matt23M (~johndoe@cpe-66-87-27-22.ut.sprintbbd.net)
Matt23M: justinbird, i am talking to you
JustinBird: im not gay
Matt23M: why were you in gay then
JustinBird: i was lost
Matt23M: i dont think so
Matt23M: you said a long time
Matt23M: and were chatting with that guy
Matt23M: stayed
JustinBird: um...
JustinBird: well im not gay now, ive been saved
Matt23M: and he saved you
Matt23M: saved you from what
JustinBird: from getting fucked in the ass
JustinBird: thats not cool
JustinBird: i like to poop
Matt23M: so you wanted to get fucked in the ass
JustinBird: not today
Matt23M: but sometime huh
JustinBird: you said "but"
JustinBird: i like boobies and vagina
Matt23M: i can see you are not very bright
* Parts: Matt23M (~johndoe@cpe-66-87-27-22.ut.sprintbbd.net)
JustinBird: jesus christ
Heather: lol
JustinBird: that was the single scariest thing ever
Heather: funny stuff

Anti-Social: anyone remember a girl named cami_girl
Cool_Dave: I didn't know her but I remember the nick... from #WWF maybe, not sure
Anti-Social: I got her #.....I phone boned her haha
Cool_Dave: hahahaha

Spike: that's booty... he auditioned for Ronald McDonald
Cool_Dave: LOL
Spike: he said something about new kind of happy meal and that he wanted to put a smile on the kids
Spike: luckily he got turned down
Cool_Dave: that was great
Spike: hehehe

Cool_Dave: Heather watched Golden Girls Gone Wild
Weekend_of_Drink: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Heather: shut up
Cool_Dave: haha
Weekend_of_Drink: saggy tits all over
TotalCarnage: ROFL
Heather: i hate all of you
TotalCarnage: hahahahha
Cool_Dave: lol
TotalCarnage: the old woman... IN THE BUFF
Cool_Dave: lol
Cool_Dave: yea buff
Weekend_of_Drink: they'd probably munch eachother's 80 year old rugs
TotalCarnage: roflmaooooo
Cool_Dave: lol
Heather: for one youre a sicko, for two they werent 80 :P

CajunnX: Dave!!!
Cool_Dave: wha
CajunnX: I just e-mailed you Wrestling with Politics - Issue #3
Shawn_Omega: oh god.

Shawn_Omega: Smooth, keep on whats up'ing.
Cool_Dave: watch out for smooth on the street. :P
Shawn_Omega: yea, he may ask whats up.
Cool_Dave: Hahahahahaha.

Shawn_Omega: *sniff* This i smy last night here.
Cool_Dave: That is so retarded.
Shawn_Omega: I know, but what can ya do other than rape a weasel right?
Cool_Dave: lol

Denise: I prolly would have given him the benefit of the doubt, but then he started talking.

Heather: Are you all going on about hockey again?
Random_Hero: Hey, DA started it and then said fuck u RI.
Random_Hero: He should be jobbed...wait that already happens.
Heather: lol
Cool_Dave: lol
D_Advocates: lol dammit, you got me there.

Stewie-McHagis: Fine, ignore me you Canadian.

Heather: Shes liable to hook me up with some psychotic sex maniac.
Raunchy_McSmutbag: She knows Hades?

Random_Hero: I started coming into this channel because I clicked on the wrong button on the page.

Publius: I used dial up at this guys house and I was like OMG WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG TO DOWNLOAD A PICTURE ON THE WEB!

Smooth answers his own "what's up?":

Cool_Dave: hey man
MISmooth: whats up all
ExIsT_2_InSpIrE: hi smooth
MISmooth: not much just got back from my old room mates place

Tarqlet: Yes, can we help you?
Big_Poppa_Pump: Yes, get me a burger. lol
Tarqlet: What about your diet.
* Big_Poppa_Pump shrugs.
Big_Poppa_Pump: I'll chance it.
Tarqlet: Fat ass.
Tarqlet: No burgers for you.
Big_Poppa_Pump: Chipmunk cheeks.
Tarqlet: I ain't got chipmunk cheeks.
Big_Poppa_Pump: And I don't have a fat ass.
Tarqlet: Debatable.

TotalCarnage: Sometimes I wonder if it should be legal to allow men their own computers.

TotalCarnage: I say we pass a bill in parliament, the "heather and TC against butts" bill.

Publius: Oi
Tarqlet: Do not oi at me.
Publius: Sorry.
Cool_Dave: lol
Tarqlet: The nerve.

Publius: Tarqlet, I need your honest opinion.
Tarqlet: Shoosh.
Publius: Please.
Tarqlet: About what?
Publius: I have this picture of me in this pink thong, I need to know if it makes me look gay. I'll dcc send it.
Tarqlet: Fine.
Publius: ...
Cool_Dave: lol
Publius: You called my bluff.

MISmooth: Nah... I think I'll pass on that offer.
Shawn_McSmutbag: You sure? I'll suck you off and everything.

Publius: http://strangereports.com/nosepickersv.php?fname=Raunchy&lname=McSmutbag&city=Edmonton
Heather: lol
Cool_Dave: lol
Raunchy_McSmutbag: Wtf??
Raunchy_McSmutbag: You son of a bitch.
Raunchy_McSmutbag: lol

Publius: Tarq, if I didn't ask you to marry me so much, would you have liked me?

TotalCarnage: What is it with this channel and marriage proposals?!?!

TotalCarnage: ARE YOU MAD?

Heather: Hey you bastard, what about our vegas wedding? *smacks travis*
Heather: How soon we forget.
Raunchy_McSmutbag> lol I didn't propose.
Raunchy_McSmutbag> We mutually agreed.
Heather: Well shut up, i want to remember it more romantically then that.

TotalCarnage: Herbal incontinence cures, you say.
Heather: What??
TotalCarnage: That is my pathetic attempt to get myself onto that quotes page again lol

Publius This channel is so sexist, giving me a -o just for having a penis.
TotalCarnage: lol
Heather: Thats not the only reason.
Publius: Oh.
Heather: Your overabundance of marriage proposals doesnt help much either.

Raunchy_McSmutbag: I play with matches at gas stations.

Raunchy_McSmutbag: Dammit, the florist just said if I try to rub his flowers over my naked body one more time he's callin the cops.

TotalCarnage Well I had a picture of a map of the USA on my t-shirt and it has a pic of highway 66 on it, right, and he was saying he came from Florida and he made a few gross coments about my chest because Florida is in that area :P LOL.

TotalCarnage: But I know you are gay :P
Raunchy_McSmutbag: TC called me gay :(
Publius: Well, stare at her tits some more and prove her wrong.

TotalCarnage: No worries smutteh me matey.
TotalCarnage: You sound like a bright and cheery chap.
TotalCarnage: A happy chappy.

Raunchy_McSmutbag: Cuz I didn't think I was a 39 year old pedo living in my parents basement whacking off to gap commercials.
TotalCarnage: ROFLMAO

daiv200: I am looking for young boys.
Heather: If youre looking for young boys you should check out #wwesuperstars
Publius: <-- young impressionable nieve boy.
* Parts: daiv200 (daiv200@bzq-141-106.red.bezeqint.net)
Heather: daiv200 is daiv200@bzq-141-106.red.bezeqint.net * d.d
Heather: daiv200 on #WWESuperstars #wwf_raw
Heather: daiv200 using arcor.de.eu.dal.net www.arcor.de - Arcor Online Services
Heather: daiv200 End of /WHOIS list.
Heather: lol
Cool_Dave: LOL

Publius: I'm very intelligent when I want to be.

Publius: This is why i broke up with you.
Tarqlet: Ooh!
Publius: Childish..
Tarqlet: You BROKE UP with me??
Publius: Yeah.
Cool_Dave: lol.
Publius: Cry all you want, I aint takin you back. Even if you'd get on your knees and beg.
Tarqlet: Fabulous, you made my day.
Publius: Good.
Tarqlet: Great.
Publius: ...

Tarqlet: Fuck you Pubes. Go get a Brazilian.
TotalCarnage: ROFLMAO

TotalCarnage: Jeese Publius, we like you but there's a wall.
Publius I don't need your acceptance, just your pitty. :(
Tarqlet: lol.
TotalCarnage: Haha.

Tarqlet: Steady on.
Cool_Dave: Steady on? What the hell is that?
TotalCarnage: lol
Publius: I've got a really huge steady on.
Cool_Dave: LOL

TotalCarnage: Bah, now I'm neutered.

Raunchy_McSmutbag: Anal Dave can be pleasurable but alos very painful, so when having anal Dave be sure to lube up.

Publius: I'm worldwide baby!

Stewie-McHagis: Bastard program puts buttons too close.
Cool_Dave: lol, not. Learn to use your mouse properly.
Stewie-McHagis: No.
Cool_Dave: Or use shortcut keys.
Stewie-McHagis: Shortcut keys? They make those?
Cool_Dave: Shut up.
Stewie-McHagis: How do I get a shortcut key?
Cool_Dave: Shut up.
Stewie-McHagis: I really dont know how to get them.
Raunchy_McSmutbag: lol
Cool_Dave: Send me $29.95 & maybe I'll tell you.
Stewie-McHagis: Screw that.
Cool_Dave: lol
Stewie-McHagis: I'll look it up on the net.
Cool_Dave: Hahaha, man...
Stewie-McHagis: I'm never sending money to you.
* Quits: Stewie-McHagis (dizzy_hari@ (Quit: bastards all of ya`s)
Cool_Dave: Moron.
Heather: Indeed
Raunchy_McSmutbag: I'd send money to you Dave.
Cool_Dave: Thanks, I know you would.

Publius: You know whats the best though? Publius: Clown porn... female clown porn.
GregMS: Really? That sounds interesting.
Cool_Dave: LOL

Tarqlet: Its a drawing... You cant fuck a drawing for crying out loud!

D_Advocates: I'm an idiot.

Publius: Aurora wants me dude.
Big_Poppa_Pump: lol, ol chipmunk cheeks?
Big_Poppa_Pump: You'd be better off sticking with Heather.
Cool_Dave: Chipmunk cheeks?
Big_Poppa_Pump: Yeah, chipmunk cheeks.
Heather: Why do you call Tarq chipmunk cheeks?
Big_Poppa_Pump: lol, haven't you seen pics of her?
Heather: Nope.
Big_Poppa_Pump: She's got huge cheeks.
Cool_Dave: Oooookay...

* Big_Poppa_Pump pumps up his speakers and pisses off the whole block.
Big_Poppa_Pump: Wheeeeeee!!
Publius: Its only pissing them off cuz your taste in music is gay
Big_Poppa_Pump: Pfft, my music rocks
Cool_Dave: Hahahahaha

#WWF_RAW Topic: 'Test on RAW: "So what? I signed a couple boobies..." | UPDATE: Heather apparently has freakitus | UPDATE: Dave knew it! | UPDATE: GothSmurf confirms freakitus! | UPDATE: Heather's been in the hospital since Friday with a severe case of freakitus'
* Joins: \HHH\ (~nWo@
* Parts: \HHH\ (~nWo@
Heather: lol i hate when i have fans and dont know who they are
Heather: (_-Heather-_) I really like to know who my fans are, so who are you?
Heather: (\HHH\) you don't know me..
Heather: (\HHH\) i just replied to the topic..
Heather: (_-Heather-_) oh, well cool then
Heather: (_-Heather-_) thanks
Heather: (\HHH\) a/s/l ?
Heather: i just love people
Cool_Dave: lol

Shawn_Omega: I like yummy food.
Cool_Dave: Me too, yummy food is good.

Hades-the-Phantom: Did any of you see the ppv?
Cool_Dave: Not me
Royal Inferno: Kinda... stupid girl was there...lol
Cool_Dave: lol. Did she atleast put out?
Royal Inferno: I just met her...I didnt know she was gonna be there. my cousin's fiance brought her as a surprise to me cuz she thought we'd like each other.
Cool_Dave: Oh, so you only got head then eh?
Royal Inferno: She's fuckin' awesome but I really wanted to watch some of the matches...lol
Hades-the-Phantom: lol
Cool_Dave: lol

Shawn_Omega: You get off on Gorilla Monsoon.
matty2pha: No, king kong bundy. He's got a nice ass.

Shawn_Omega: I was gonna play the cowbell.

Shawn_Omega: Oh god, go watch matlock.

Tarqlet: Hows your tissue situation by the way? Haha.
Cool_Dave: What are you talking about? I don't use tissues...
Cool_Dave: I use your face. Hahahaha!
Tarqlet: pffffffffft

Hades: Soo anyone ever seen 3 midgets gang bang a chicken?

Superbootyman: Dave you mark out over anything Canadian.
Cool_Dave: I don't care where they are from.
Superbootyman: The guy could be 500lbs of fat and called Canadian Back Bacon and you'd mark out over it, lol.
* Cool_Dave marks for Superbootyman.
Cool_Dave: Looks like you're right.

Hades-the-Phantom: So Booty... I hear you wanna have my baby?

Cool_Dave: I see fur!!!!

Royal Inferno: There we go...I'm so unsmart.
Hades: I think the word you are looking for is stupid RI.
Cool_Dave: Unsmart, LOL
Royal Inferno: I hate all of you...

GooD^^CharlottE: how old is everybody in here?
Loyalty-Is-Dead: 15
GooD^^CharlottE: cool im 15 too.
Loyalty-Is-Dead: Awesome, wanna be friends?!?

Loyalty-Is-Dead: That was way too gay, are you related to Booty?
InfernoDIWF: lol...thats the biggest insult anyone can give, LID just won the insult of the year award.

Loyalty-Is-Dead: That's easy cause I ain't annoying

Johnny_Cool: its my fault though, i didn't talk about cats.

Superbootyman: Hmm, from now on I'm gonna call you hayseed instead of Hades.

Johnny_Cool: Oh my God, I hope Jesus isn't online as we speak.



Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

nWo Members: Jeff Jarrett, Bret Hart, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall

Gorilla Monsoon

The Rock vs. Triple H


British Bulldog


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A division of Dave's Pages!
All Rights Reserved.
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