#WWF_RAW - Heather's Column Back to Main Page

Heather's Random Thoughts - Monday, March 07, 2005

I could stalk Shawn Michaels if I wanted to. I now have his home address and email address. How you ask? I was recently at work, taking calls, as is my job, and on one of our tsunami donation lines, a woman called in. Her name was Rebecca Hickenbottom, which initially raised my curiosity. Further into the call when I realized she was calling from Texas, the San Antonio area to be exact, I was pretty sure I was speaking to Shawn's wife. At this point I directly violated company policy and jotted the information on a post it note. I couldn't not. I mean really.

After a few web searches and some cross referencing I have confirmed that this information is in fact legitimately that of Shawn's wife and himself. Now how do I plan to use this information? I don't. Its enough to know I have it, and I certainly don't plan to distribute it, stalk Shawn, or even send him an email. But its pretty damn cool to know that if I wanted to I could. Dave was quite jealous when I told him.

Hades said I should write more, which I found surprising, mostly because I had assumed no one read these things but Dave and I. Dave reads them so he can later steal my ideas and try to be as cool as me. Obviously hes not paying close enough attention.

I plan to try watching wrestling again soon. Its been long enough to give it another go. Most likely that will last one episode, but I'm willing to see. Everybody Loves Raymond ends soon anyways.

I am addicted to reality tv. I even watched Strange Love once, something should be done, seriously. I blame it on Dave. As well as anything else that goes wrong.

In the next couple months I will be venturing off to the exciting locales known as Atlanta, South Padre Island Texas (no not to stalk anyone, namely a former idol of mine) and Phoenix, Arizona. Aren't I the world adventurer? I will be sure to write of my journeys.

More people should talk to me, so if anyone reads this and isn't already on my list, my msn is infinitemelancholy@hotmail.com My aim messenger name is archiveofapathy and I can be found on irc every great once in awhile, but that is unlikely :P

Heather's Random Thoughts - Monday, January 24, 2005

A very serious situation occured this evening, when I logged on IRC and realized my nick was unregistered. You can imagine my panic at that unfortunate situation. I know you're thinking "My god, thats horrible, how did she manage to make it through that??" Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. However, I was able to remain calm and with some quick action got things under control by reregistering my nick.

Some of you may not understand why this is such a highly serious and possibly hazardous situation. This could be because you're stupid. What would happen if I lost my nick, how would people know what to refer to me as?? I have been _-Heather-_ for 8 years now, well ok at one point I was _-HeAtHeR-_ but the point remains the same. Underscore dash Heather is who I am damnit, they cannot take that away from me! I will not be silenced by DalNet, and I will not be known as User548759345!

Ok, now that that is established. What really freaks me out is that I was really away from IRC so long that my nick had time to unregister. Bah to getting older and life getting busier and everything changing. There are times in the past I would have been jonesing if I had to go a day without my DalNet connection. I would frantically message Dave for a server that would connect me. My point here you ask? Times are a changing.

Eight years ago I stumbled upon DalNet because IRC came installed with my dialup (yes I shudder typing that word too) and that is the server it happened to connect me too. I was into wrestling at the time, ok I was into Shawn Michaels at the time, so I went into a couple of those rooms. There is a point to this little rendezvous down memory lane. I ended up in #wwf_raw at some point shortly thereafter, and never really left. I've made some great friends, some fun enemies, and had a lot of interesting conversations (mostly arguements) in that channel through the years. Its weird how you actually come to care about the lives of these people, who you've never met and probably never will, yet your lives are connected to theirs.

But we're all getting older now and things are changing and no one really gathers in the channel like we used to. I suppose thats natural. But the depressing part of it all is, one day we're probably all going to lose touch and have nothing left but the occasional wonder of whatever happened to this person or that person. Seems like kind of a sucky conclusion to eight years worth of chatting, sharing, fighting, scheming and laughing. Yes, I'm writing all this all because I shocked to discover I had been off DalNet so long that my nick went unregistered :P

To avoid any more Lifetime movie of the week cliches, I will just say this... no matter where we all end up (I say all in the misguided assumption someone but Dave will read this) I will always be out there somewhere being way cooler then Dave, and he will be wishing always in the back of his head that he was as totally way past cool as me. Its true folks, sad but true.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Wednesday, October 31, 2004

I watched Raw this week for the first time in ages. I didn't miss much. The storylines are still stupid, the acting is getting worse, and they are still using the actual talent in horribly pointless ways. So yeah, can't say I'll tune in tomorrow night.

Chris Jericho lost to Shelton Benjamin, which to me makes no sense. Someone like Jericho should be used as a superstar, not someone who could lose to a nobody. Triple H as usual was way overused and overexposed. And who really cares who Ric Flair wants to fight? I'd rather not see him in the ring at all.

Shawn Michaels needs to hang it up altogether and stop making himself look stupid. I mean, come on. This is getting ridiculous. I know that it would be hard to walk away from fame, money and adoration from fans, but there comes a point. Bret did it, Shawn should follow suit.

In unrelated news, Dave has admitted his lust for Johnny and they shared a rather passionate kiss. Hades is spreading a rumor that I am dating some guy named Steve, this is not true. No one should listen to Hades, ever.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Wednesday, September 30, 2004

I thought it was about time I wrote a new column. If you read the updates on this page you know what I have been up to recently, which wasn't a load of fun, obviously. The worst part of losing your memory is how many people will lie to you assuming they can get away with it. Do people really think I'm so stupid that I don't check on these things before I believe them? I have learned definitely to pick wisely who to trust for information. But anyways.

So life has been pretty sucky, but it will get better I guess. Cool_Dave has been a monumental help but he still sucks of course. I don't really have a lot to say but I thought I would let people know I'm still alive.

As a side note, I'm not going to bite the people who talk to me. Its shocking how many people have avoided talking to me altogether once they found out. People who are supposed to be good friends. Chickens :P

I made a webpage in case I died, which has actually been helpful in figuring out whose who. So if anyone wants to know what I would have left for you to read check out http://www.geocities.com/infinitemelancholy/deathpage

Heather's Random Thoughts - Wednesday, June 9, 2004

I have news that will bring joy to the lives of many of our faithful readers. Ok so we don't really have any faithful readers but it sounds better doesn't it? Better then like saying "the lives of our two readers and their cats." Anyways yeah back on topic. I have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and probably only have 6 months to a year to live. Yes that means that my IRC harassment is nearing its end. Other then that though life is peachy. I am back in the #wwf_raw chat room, which of course means it will be revived yet again because I am the life of that channel, we all know Dave isn't.

In other more interesting news, former channel regular doay is expecting a child in September. Dave has also admitted he wants to make sweet love to Johnny. That is all. Oh and by the way I don't watch WWE Raw anymore so dont expect any wwe related columns.

I have received the upsetting news that former aop Justin is not in fact dead as formerly reported by Johnny.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Sunday, March 14, 2004

Wrestlemania XX: Where it all begins... again. I liked the slogan well enough, but it gave me fairly high expectations. In some ways my expectations were met but overall I must say I was a bit disapointed. There were high moments, thats for sure, Undertakers return to his roots was certainly one of the best. Not just in his entrance and Paul Bearer's appearance, but it also seemed he used a lot of his classic moves during the match. During a brief discussion with Johnny (yes Johnny_Cool) today, he mentioned the olden days where Undertaker was being harassed by the fake Undertaker. I was pleasantly pleased to see UT take his character back to those days. So in that way maybe it all did begin again.

I was also pleased by Benoit's win in the main event. It wasnt shocking, its pretty much what I expected, but it seemed fitting none the less. Benoit, even though his mic skills are greatly lacking, has always been worth watching in the ring, and it was interesting to see that they would reward someone with so little personality. That is certainly not a normal event in the WWE of today. So in a few ways I wasnt let down by the slogan of the night.

Then there were the things I didn't care for. Those were quite a bit more numerous. For one thing the price. At $49.95 a pop I would think they could have made the show a little more... spectacular. At times I felt like I was watching a star heavy Raw episode. I also hate anytime they let the Smackdown announcers call a match, but that is merely a personal preference. As someone who doesn't regularly follow Smackdown it got seriously dull in the spots where those matches seemed to drag on forever. This was especially true in the four team tag team match. I couldnt wait for it to be over. I also was not at all pleased with the Goldberg v Lesnar match. I mean, did they have to lock up for like a half hour? It was highly lame in my opinion.

I did enjoy the cruiserweight match, mostly because I never really grow tired of watching Mysterio in the ring. His aerial moves and his stunts in the ropes are awesome. I dont even remember who won the match, but watching it was sure an enjoyment.

I definitely did not like the fact that I spent the whole time making videos with my digital camera for a certain Cool person who was too cheap to order the show. Actually I didnt mind that much but any chance to take a stab at Dave I do not pass up. So if anyone else wants videos of part of it, feel free to ask me and if I like you, or don't hate you, which is more then likely the case, I'll send them. Now its time to go to bed and forget I just spent $50 bucks for a show that, while it had bright moments, wasn't worth the price.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Yeah, its been awhile since I updated anything here, or used this space at all, so I thought it was time. I like to keep this somewhat IRC related, since this is the #wwf_raw page. The channel has been doing fairly well lately. Not by most people's standards, but by ours. We don't really like that many people around, but there has been a good turnout lately of the people we actually like. Which really isn't that many people. You get the point. The WWF (WWE whatever) has been fairly decent lately. Not as gay as it has been in the recent past. I especially enjoy Jericho and Bischoff.

Apparently Paul Heyman is set to make a comeback soon. On Smackdown. This should be interesting. He was always good for controversy and back fighting. I may have to start watching Smackdown again.

I was saddened by the recent passing of Stu Hart. I know I shouldn't be, he was 88 and lived a long and I'm sure full life. But at the same time, that family has gone through so much tragedy. I was glad to see that the WWF decided to acknowledge his death with the video clip on RAW.... I thought for a bit they weren't going to say anything. Does anyone else still hope Bret will make a return? Yes I know its unlikely, but I won't give up.

In the way of channel gossip I have some very important things to report. RI recently admitted that the reason he is away so much while still in the chat room is that he has taken of a new profession of managing whores. In related news, RI and Cool_Dave have been engaging in phone sex.

Tarq has recently returned from a trip to the U.S. where she not only hung out with the likes of Eeyore and Tigger but also visited Las Vegas. She went back to Australia with some very lasting impressions of the United States. She had this to say... the food portions were too big and she couldn't eat two pancakes.

I'm watching the Golden Girls, as you all should be. All the cool kids are doing it. Thats why I will always be cooler then Cool_Dave.

Goodbye interview for Shawn_Omega - Sunday, April 27, 2003

Heather: What do you really think of Dave?

Shawn_Omega: Dave, well Dave's an interesting fellow. All his I'm Cooler than though attitude would annoy alot of people. Not me though, it drove me to be cooler than him and I feel I did it with great ease. Really though Dave's a good guy and i'll never forget our private chats making fun of Booty, good times, good times.

Heather: What do you really think of me? Thats most important of course.

Shawn_Omega: You? Well I used to piss you off making fun of Rich Gannon lol and I thought you over reacted :P. Bu tof course you are my fav in the channel, my fav in diwf, and of course one of my all around fav ppl in general. I think I'll probably miss you the most when I'm gone and everyone asks...where's Shawn?

Heather: Do you feel the Hades comparisons were warranted?

Shawn_Omega: Hell no! Thing is just because Hades was in the chan before me everyone thought I copied him, it's just not true. I've joked around with that stuff for years long before I ever met Hades. He was a hilarious guy, but I was being me, not some carbon copy of him. Besides everyone likes me more.

Heather: What is your favorite channel memory?

Shawn_Omega: Well there was many but i never laughed so hard when me, Hades, Dave, D_A, and R_I went to #analsex and Dave said that classic midget line, never laughed so hard in my life.

Heather: Hades said that I believe.

Shawn_Omega: Yes, yes he did.

Shawn_Omega: I don't know why I put Dave, but I can edit that rigth now.

Heather: lol. What will you miss the most?

Shawn_Omega: You, Dave, hockey talks with Random, I shall miss many things.

* At this point Heather decides she doesn't want to interview Shawn anymore and since neither Dave or Smooth would he is forced to interview himself.

Shawn_Omega: So, since you're interviewing yourself right now, what do you think of Proxi?

Shawn_Omega: Proxi, well you know I always picture her looking like Queen Elizabeth just a much bigger snob. Scary thing is, I think Dave is attracted to her. Seriously one night he said to me. Shawn, I wanna grab Proxi's wrinkly tits. No lie!

Shawn_Omega: Dude that's fucked.

Shawn_Omega: I bet Dave wishes he was interviewing now.

Shawn_Omega: No Doubt, he's coming off bad.

Shawn_Omega: He's still refusing to interview.

Shawn_Omega: So name one thing you've always wanted to do.

Shawn_Omega: Break into song out of nowhere during a shift at work.

Shawn_Omega: Sweet dude. Alright, what about Booty?

Shawn_Omega: That's on and off. One day he's alright, next day I wanna shoot him.

Shawn_Omega: Since no one will interview you this is over now with so much more to say right?

Shawn_Omega: Damn skippy

Heather's Random Thoughts - Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I thought I would use my column space to rant on something that was on my mind. I can do that cause its my column after all. This is going to be the topic of this particular rant: why #WWF_RAW is the best wrestling channel on dalnet, and why no other channel is as good.

The main reason that any channel is successful is the people. Our channel simply has better people then the other channels. Do I know everyone in every other channel? No, obviously not, and some of them are probably pretty cool. But overall, there is a trend I notice in almost every other wrestling channel: the chatters don't chat. The people in our channel, while they can be kind of annoying and immature.. we actually chat. Not all the time, and not always about anything important, but we all take the time to actually talk to each other.

So now onto why other channels are not as good. There are several reasons. I am not a fan of channels that have a lot of people all the time. I have never thought that was a good way to run a channel because no one really gets to know anyone. So that covers the mainstream named channels such as #wwe and #wwf. Though #wwf has so many more problems. It used to be at least managed well. Now... its dead. Its dead on #wwfsuperstars levels, and that is sad. The only difference is there is usually several more idle nonchatters in #wwf. I think that we can all look at what is similar between these two channels to understand why they are both dead. Because they were killed. By one person. Proxi. Now I won't get into a big rant on what I think of her, because that is not the point of this rant. The channels... #wwfsuperstars used to be a good channel, people came and chatted. There were good ops and a strong base. She kicked out the good ops, or annoyed them til they left. She basically did the same in #wwf. Anyone who would hang around a channel shes a sop in... I don't understand it. She puts a death touch on any channel she touches. Luckily she doesn't hang out in #WWF_RAW. So, lets see, any other channels I need to address...

Oh yes. I hate to call it a channel, its more like a private hang out for the two of them, but I suppose that LID and Johnny's #wwesuperstars is in fact a wrestling channel. But do I need to address why its not as good as #WWF_RAW? I am willing to believe they probably still have more chatting there with the two of them then #wwf manages but it is still just the two of them pretty much all the time from what I have heard. I have my theories on why they don't have any other regulars, but I figure its mostly because no one likes LID... but thats exactly how he seems to want it, so maybe its a success even though its seemingly a failure of a channel? Who knows. I will give them credit for an entertaining webpage, which is, coincidentally, more then you can say for either #wwf or #wwfsuperstars. So you sense a pattern?

That is all of my thoughts for today. If there are other wrestling channels... well theres obviously a reason I've never heard of them.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Saturday, April 05, 2003

It is my theory that everyone is going insane. I blame it on undernet. Ever since we all returned back to dalnet after our brief time on undernet people have been weird. Well, except for Dave. He's still obsessing over Britney and mocking everyone behind thier backs, so thats as it has always been.

On the top of my list of weirdos, Johnny_Cool. After claiming he was voted out of the channel (no one is really sure by who or if this "vote" ever took place) he began hanging out with Loyalty-is-Dead in his new channel. The weird part about that is that according to various sources there is never anyone but them in the channel. People are starting to talk. I'll leave it to the imagination what some of the rumours are. Maybe they just really like each others company? My main question is, this channel was supposedly started as a revolution... a revolution from what? A revolution against chatrooms that have actual chatters?

Another person whose definitely been a bit odd is Inferno. While we were all still over on undernet he announces he won't be around anymore because he was spending too much time sitting around mocking booty and then leaves, only to come back a day or so later. Now he has disapeared again, this time without the announcement. Who knows. I blame it on Dave.

It looks like Publius is over his obsession with Tarq. He has since claimed he doesn't care for Australians. He would tell you they have broken up, but Tarq seems to have a differing opinion on whether they were ever together.

Heather's Random Thoughts - Tuesday, March 11, 2003

In pressing news this week, it was brought to my attention that a certain former AOP has created a web page to express his disdain for pretty much everyone. I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about. Here’s a sample of what he had to say about some of #wwf_raw’s most well known chatters.

Host: Cool_Dave.

Loyalty-Is-Dead: Fuck Cool_Dave. If I ever seen Cool_Dave's pathetic ass walking down the sidewalk in my town I think I'd get out and whip his ass.

Host: Heather.

Loyalty-Is-Dead: She is just a psycho skank. Ever since Dave oped her skanky ass..that's when Raw went straight down the shitter. If I were oped instead..it'd be a ten times better place.

Host: Inferno.

Loyalty-is-Dead: Inferno from Buffalo. The city that loses at EVERYTHING. Big surprise Inferno lives there considering he is such a loser. I'm not surprised he likes hockey because hockey is the sport with the most faggots in it.

Host: Shawn_Omega.

Loyalty-is-Dead: If I said anything at all about Shawn_Omega. I'd be wasting valuable time.

I think that’s a good enough sample to show what this page is all about. I would personally like to be the first one to congratulate Loyalty-is-Dead on creating what I found to be the most hilarious page I have visited in some time. Great stuff. Some people got a bit offended, especially a certain “pumped” channel regular who questioned why Dave and I found the page to be so great. I don’t get it. I have nothing but respect for LID for saying what he thinks and not caring what anyone thinks. Sure he insulted a lot of people, myself included, but I think we can all find some truth in what was said, and at the very least see the humor in it. I’m going to go as far as give this web page some free advertisement: http://www.wwesuperstars-dalnet.cjb.net.

In other channel news, everyone’s favorite channel whore is still missing. Hades has been missing ever since he moved, and should be returning when he has secured a phone line. His e-fed is still alive but there appears to be some frustration amongst the e-fedders about his absence and ability to update the site.

Dave has returned from a weekend away, so things should be back to normal in the channel after a pretty slow couple days. I’m not sure why Dave’s absences cause people to disappear… is he really that well loved? I think not! And according to sources, Dave is very much not loved by a certain current AOP.

The Undertaker

Shawn Michaels

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