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How to be cool and why some people never will be - Sunday, March 13, 2005 Ok, so its been two years, but I figured if Heather can write something so can I, because I'm way cooler than her. Anyway, today I decided I would do a google search on my nick. So I was searching through the mass amount of results... Imagine numerous people trying to be ME! Using my unique name! How appalling! Anyway, after I got over the shock of that discovery (and the discovery that my favourite torrent site bt.s0nicfreak.com has been shut down by the MPAA too, BAH to that!) I came across this on google:
Da {DK} Place
Can you believe it? Cool_Dave is cool with Justin Johnson! You heard it here... second! Hah! But, it turns out this page is God knows how old, sometime around 2001. There's
some other interesting things on that site. I'm in shock that I just now found the site. I recommend everyone take a look!
Another thing I feel I should address now and that is, nobody comes on IRC anymore, damn you people! Are you too good to come chat? Even Heather barely shows her face
around... Ok, well neither do I that much anymore, but once in a while I try to make the effort. Oh well.
Tarq got a new car recently, she came to me to ask what color was best, of course I stirred her in the right direction and she listened to me and got the one I recommended.
You should all take her lead and always refer to me before making big decisions of your own. Well that's all for this year, check out DIWF.tk or TopScore.tk for other cool stuff
as always. Hope to see you again for my next update in 2 years!
How to be cool and why some people never will be - Tuesday, April 15, 2003
How do you be cool? You can't just decide you're going to be cool. Telling people you're cool will not make you cool. Changing you're name to Cool_(Your name here) will not make
you cool. Sure I did it, but it sure as hell didn't make me cool, now doing that maybe a step in the right direction, but only because you would be immitating me and I'm already cool.
So you can't just all of a sudden be cool, but when everyone loves you, it sure helps alot.
How do you know when someone else is cool? Well listen... What you hear can be a big part of it. Things this person says, things other people say around them. When you hear
people asking "where is so-and-so?" alot, then they're in demand, and that makes them popular, or cool. I am always in demand, therefore I'm popular, thus making me cool.
If people start calling you Fruit Loops, you don't have a chance in hell of ever being cool. I would highly suggest changing your identity otherwise you will have that with you
forever. Now if someone called me that, that someone would mysteriously disappear from the channel and would never be seen again.
I don't care what anyone says, a movie that's titled "The Transporter" has the coolest title ever! ... ... ... ... Oh just shoot me now, right after you shoot the guy that came up with
that title. Man that is beyond lame... Seriously.
Getting yourself akicked from #WWF_RAW is the stupidest thing you could do coolness-wise. You will never be cool getting yourself banned from the coolest room on all of...
well I was going to say dal.net, but I should say the whole entire internet. If you don't know who I'm reffering to, well you should find out, cause personally... I find it all hilarious.
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