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How to use mIRC:

You can come to the WWF RAW chatroom and chat online with us with mIRC by downloading it here: www.mirc.com & typing /server irc.dal.net to connect. Once you are connected type /join #WWF_RAW to enter the WWF RAW chatroom. Type /nick and a new nickname at anytime to change your nickname.

Or you can do so on the web by clicking here to enter the #WWF_RAW for Java Chat if you prefer not to download mIRC. However, I recommend using mIRC, its much faster and smoother to use if you plan to come in regularly, but this will work just fine. For Nick Name you can erase WWF_RAW-Guest and enter your own Name or Alias name and click "Connect Now!"

How to register your nickname on dal.net:

Step 1: Choose a nickname that isn't registered. Type /nick nickname
nickname = whatever name you want

Example: /nick Chris_Jericho

If the nickname is already registered by someone you will receive the following messages:

-NickServ- This nick is owned by someone else. Please choose another.
-NickServ- If this is your nick, type: /msg NickServ@services.dal.net IDENTIFY <password>
-NickServ- Your nick will be changed in 60 seconds if you do not comply.

You will then have to choose a new nickname, if you don't your name will automatically change to a guest nick. This message will also appear if you haven't typed in your identification password.

Step 2: To register your nickname type: /nickserv register password email
password = any password you want
email = your email address

Example: /nickserv register y2j chirsjericho@diwf.net

Step 3: Wait a while and then check your email. You will receive a message giving you an authorization web address to go to & a code to type in on mIRC. Use which ever you prefer (you don't need to use both).

Step 4: On mIRC go File, then Options. A window will open up. Then go to IRC, then Perform. You will see a big dialog box and on the top it will have a check box with "Enable perform on connect". Check the box and then type this in the dialog box: /nickserv identify nickname password

Example: /nickserv identify Chris_Jericho y2j

If you want you can also type in "/join #WWF_RAW" under "/nickserv identify nickname password". Doing that will automatically make you join the WWF RAW channel after you've connected to dal net. Here's how it should look:

mIRC Options

Then click Ok & your done.

Basic mIRC Commands & Terms:

/join [#channelname] Join a chatroom
/nick [newname] Change nickname
/nickserv identify [password] Identify to NickServ
/me [action text] Show an action
/ping [nickname/#channel] Check the lag time between you and another person or everyone in a channel
/quit [message] Quit IRC, leaving a message (/quit alone will leave no message)
/whois [nickname] Get information about someone
/query [nickname] Begin a private conversation with someone
/notice [nickname] Send a one line private message to someone

brb Be right back
bbl Be back later
imo In My Opinion
lol Laughing out loud
wtf What the f... Heh.

Chris Benoit

Impact Players

Chyna and The Kat

Triple H

© 1997-2005 #WWF_RAW on irc.dal.net
A division of Dave's Pages!
All Rights Reserved.
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